Watercolor Connecticut River, Charlestown, New Hampshire Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Connecticut River, Lancaster, New Hampshire Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Ruins of Fort Ticonderoga, New York Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Lake George and Anthony's Nose, New York Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Rogers Rock, Lake George, New York Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Mill at Trenton Falls, New York Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Gorge below Trenton Falls, New York Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Gorge below falls, Trenton, New York Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Monument to Confederate Soldiers, Richmond, Virginia Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor St. John's Church, Richmond, Virginia Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Jenny House, Hollis, New Hampshire Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Deserted farm, Hollis, New Hampshire Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)