Watercolor Long Pond, Hollis, New Hampshire Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Craddock House, Medford, Massachusetts Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor The Old Manse, Concord, Massachusetts Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Lake from Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Weirs, Lake Winnipiseogee, New Hampshire Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Norwood Farm House, York, Maine Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor House overlooking Short Sands, York, Maine Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Short Sands in fog, York, Maine Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Widow Leach's Home, York, Maine Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)
Watercolor Handkerchief Moody's House, York, Maine Mid to late 19th century / Foster, Sarah Haven (1827-1900)